My first story in a glossy magazine: Nine writers shared Christmas memories. The lineup included the late Wanda Coleman as well as Jeanne Wakatsuki Houston, and I got in only because Herb Caen dropped out.

LA WEEKLY, in the Jay Levin era. I didn't even know this confessional piece was going to run until I saw a model playing me on the cover.

This issue marked DETAILS' debut as a young men's
magazine. I only climbed one rock.

Twenty years before Spike Jonze's HER.

I've written for an alarming number of magazines that no longer exist. I didn't expect one of them to be THE LOS

Here it reappears as WEST.

The late Nicolas Slonimsky, in the late LA STYLE, at 93.

I was five in this photo. (LA STYLE's special issue on the Ocean.)